Blockchain Technology In The Digital Enterprise

Blockchain. It appears to be a term on everyone's lips these days, but due to its infancy in the corporate sector, the majority of employees, including CEOs, are still highly misunderstood.
In simple terms, Blockchain technology is a network of peer-to-peer nodes that keeps transactional records, also known as blocks, of the public in various databases, also known as the "chain." This type of storage is commonly referred to as a 'digital ledger.'
Every transaction in this ledger is signed with the owner's digital signature, which verifies the transaction and protects it from tampering. As a result, the data in the digital ledger is extremely safe.
Recommended Course
BC-101: Blockchain Fundamentals
A blockchain is a tamper-proof data structure that tracks the transfer of value or interest from one owner to the next.
By mandating that ownership of a digital item be transferred rather than duplicated or shared, blockchains solve the so-called "double-spend" problem. What makes blockchain technology unique is that it defines a protocol, enforces transaction rules, and allows the nodes on its distributed network of computers to self-police the entire process.
Training Duration: 1 Day
Minimum private group training class: 5 Participants
- Certificate Of Completion Available
- Group Private Class
- VILT Class Available
- SBL-Khas Claimable
BC-102: Blockchain Essentials
Blockchain is a method of storing data in such a way that it is difficult or impossible to alter, hack, or cheat it. A blockchain is a digital log of transactions that is duplicated and distributed across the blockchain's complete network of computer systems.
Training Duration: 2 Days
Minimum private group training class: 5 Participants
- Certificate Of Completion Available
- Group Private Class
- VILT Class Available
- SBL-Khas Claimable