AS-101: Agile Fundamentals A Beginners' Guide
Are you struggling to manage change, expectations, and VUCA circumstances in your workplace? Do you want to improve your productivity metrics, quality, and visibility of outcomes? Are you looking for a way to align your business, engage your stakeholders, and satisfy your customers? If yes, then our Agile Fundamentals: A Beginners' Guide course is for you.
In this course, you will learn about the key principles and values of Agile and its relevance to today's fast-paced business environment. You will discover the essential components required to implement Agile methodology and facilitate an Agile way of working. You will also explore how Agile practices are used to manage projects and operations effectively.
Training Duration: 1 Day
- Certificate Of Completion Available
- Group Private Class
- VILT Class Available
- SBL-Khas Claimable
- In collaboration with Agile Consultancy
Benefits in Participating:
- Alignment with business
- Delivery Predictability
- Engaged stakeholders
- High-performing teams
- Improved Productivity metrics
- Improved Quality
- Improved Visibility of Outcomes
- Improved Adaptability
- Lower risks
- Satisfied Customers
Loss in Not Participating:
- Difficulty in managing change
- Inability to manage expectations
- Increased cost due to rework and delays
- Inability to manage VUCA circumstances
- Lack of clear goals and priorities
- Lack of collaboration Poor/Negative outcome
- Poor morale and performance
- Poor communication