Laravel is primarily used for building custom web apps using PHP. It's a web framework that handles many things that are annoying to build yourself, such as routing, templating HTML, and authentication.
Training Duration: 4 Days
Minimum private group training class: 5 Participants
- Certificate Of Completion Available
- Group Private Class
- VILT Class Available
- SBL-Khas Claimable
Laravel is a free, open source PHP web application framework, designed for development of MVC web applications. Laravel is released under MIT license, with its source code hosted on GitHub.
Laravel has taken the PHP community by storm, with its incredibly expressive syntax, the most powerful Active-Record implementation available, a robust command line tool, and much more.
This is an in-depth Laravel Training, which is an open source project to create websites with easy development techniques. Laravel follows the elegant, expressive syntax. Laravel makes the development procedure a gratifying one for the developers without sacrificing applications functionality. Laravel course will acquaint participants with accessible tools needed for robust, large applications.