Discover the secrets to effective social media marketing. Learn how to increase brand awareness, generate organic leads, and boost sales with this intermediate-level course.
Elevate your social media marketing skills and harness the potential of digital platforms with our comprehensive course, "Lead Generation Using Social Media Marketing." Designed for sales and marketing professionals seeking to enhance their social media expertise or business owners aiming to leverage social media for organic traffic, this course covers essential strategies and techniques.
Training Duration: 2 Days
- Certificate Of Completion Available
- Group Private Class
- VILT Class Available
- SBL-Khas Claimable
This course is entry to the intermediate level, for sales & marketing personnel who need basic skills on social media marketing or business owners who want to learn how to leverage social media to bring more organic traffic to the business.
- Brand Awareness
- Organic Lead Generation
- Increase Sales/Profit
- More Website Traffic
- Promotion For New products & Services
- Create Online Presence
- Digital Transformation
- Offline to Online