GRC-103FT: Microsoft Power Platform End-To-End Discovery Workshop [Fastrack]
Microsoft Power Platform is a line of business intelligence, app development, and app connectivity software applications. Microsoft developed the Power Fx low-code programming language for expressing logic across the Power Platform. It also provides integrations with GitHub and Microsoft Teams.
Learn how to analyze data for insights using Power BI, quickly and easily build custom apps using Power Apps, automate workflows to improve business productivity using Power Automate, and build intelligent bots with a no-code interface using Power Virtual Agents.
Training Duration: 3 Days
- Certificate Of Completion Available
- Group Private Class
- VILT Class Available
- SBL-Khas Claimable
Microsoft Power Platform is a new collective platform of 4 different products and technologies that allows you to build solutions, automate processes and analyze data. This 5-day workshop brings the audience up and personal with all the respective technologies mentioned so they can start utilizing this highly anticipated platform which will shape the modern way of self-service business apps development, business process orchestration and data analytics under one roof.