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GRC-113: Microsoft Power Platform Essentials Bundle

GRC-113: Microsoft Power Platform Essentials Bundle


Showcase for Microsoft Power Automate from start to finish in an engaging and practical way. Power Automate is a diverse product, turning business processes into automated, consistent, and visual workflows. Power Automate is designed to interweave the various products in Office 365 as well as connect to other on-premises and web-based solutions. This course will give you the confidence to select the right actions and workflow logic for your business workflows.


Training Duration: 5 Days

  • Certificate Of Completion Available
  • Group Private Class
  • VILT Class Available
  • HRDCorp SBL-Khas Claimable


Download Course Outline

  • This instructor-led adventurous workshop is designed for audiences to be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to kickstart their analytical journey with Microsoft Power BI, followed by essential guidance to Power Apps and Power Automate. You will be guided from the stage of connecting data, transforming data, and visualizing your data using Power BI.


    The audience will then be brought to a path of designing, testing, and publishing new apps that work with a variety of data sources with Power Apps.

For a private in-house, please ask us for a quotation.

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