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We believe that success in the future is all about understanding the ideas that will allow you to master our universe of information. We aim to help you, by bringing you the best video content that offers big ideas and professional training, while bringing you big entertainment. Explore our site and get in touch if you have any questions.

Agile Initiating Enterprise Agility: A Guide to Getting Started
Think. Learn. Grow
Discover how to kick-start enterprise agility with our comprehensive course. Perfect for all industries, our program equips participants with essential skills to navigate the ever-changing business landscape. Learn the building blocks of enterprise agility and its importance.
Defending Your Digital Footprint: Debunking IT Security Myths
Think. Learn. Grow
Uncover the truth about cybersecurity misconceptions and learn how to protect yourself from common attacks with hands-on demonstrations in our overview training. Experience first-hand how hackers manipulate and exploit your information and learn the best practices to stay secure.
Laravel: A Comprehensive Introduction
Think. Learn. Grow
From this, you will learn about Laravel, a popular PHP framework used for building web applications. You will gain an understanding of the benefits Laravel offers, including streamlined processes, scalability, and a rich set of features and tools that simplify web development. Additionally, you will learn about Laravel's intuitive syntax, modular structure, and elegant design patterns, which make building and maintaining web applications easier for developers. The course will cover important concepts such as file structure, MVC architecture, and writing your first API. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned developer, this course will provide valuable knowledge to help take your career to the next level.
Microsoft Power Platform AI Builder
Think. Learn. Grow
This one-day express training offers participants an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of custom AI model development using Microsoft Power Platform AI Builder. The workshop covers the essential steps of creating custom models, understanding different AI categories, and using Process Advisor. Participants will learn to create custom AI models using a few AI algorithms, train and publish models, and test them in Power Apps or Power Automate. This beginner-friendly workshop requires no prior knowledge of AI or machine learning technologies and is suitable for individuals from all walks of life. The workshop includes four modules, covering introduction to AI Builder, binary classification, object detection, and using Business Card Reader.
Python Programming Express
Think. Learn. Grow
This one-day express training provides participants with quick-start skills in Python Programming. The workshop covers essential steps for developing Python scripts quickly, including input/output, lists, tuples, sets, dictionaries, decision making, loops, functions, and more. The training is designed for beginners and users with little or no exposure to basic programming concepts. Participants will learn Python's features list, portability, using the interpreter, scripting, working with variables, strings, tuples, lists, set data types, and dictionaries. By the end of the workshop, participants will have a good grasp of Python syntax and will be able to develop Python programming scripts immediately.
DAX on Power BI
Think. Learn. Grow
This one-day express training is designed for participants with basic Microsoft Power BI skills who want to extend their knowledge of Data Analysis Expression (DAX). The workshop covers creating calculation elements in Power BI using the DAX language, such as calculated columns, measures, and calculated tables. Participants will learn the basic features of DAX language, including data types, aggregate functions, logical functions, and mathematical functions. The workshop also covers table functions, table relationships, contexts in DAX, and the power of the CALCULATE function. The prerequisites for this workshop are basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel formulas and familiarity with the basic functionalities of Microsoft Power BI.
Microsoft Power Automate RPA
Think. Learn. Grow
This one-day express training equips participants with quick-start skills on Microsoft Power Automate Desktop flows to achieve Robotic Process Automation (RPA). The workshop covers all the key features provided by Power Automate Desktop and helps participants explore how to achieve RPA using the tool. Participants will understand the objectives of RPA, familiarize with Power Automate Desktop, make use of the Process Advisor, build desktop flows, and create unattended desktop flows while monitoring them. This workshop is suitable for beginners and users with basic familiarity with Microsoft Power Platform and cloud flow design, as well as those who want to get to know RPA.
Microsoft Power BI
Think. Learn. Grow
This one-day express training provides participants with quick-start skills in Microsoft Power BI, covering essential steps from getting data to generating a report quickly. The workshop is best for participants who want to know Microsoft Power BI as promptly as possible and dive right into creating a report or dashboard immediately. Participants will start familiarizing with Power BI Desktop, get data from a variety of sources, perform simple data cleansing and transformation, and start visualizing data using a variety of visual types in a Power BI report. The prerequisites for this workshop are basic knowledge of Microsoft Excel, an awareness of key business priorities, and little or no exposure to basic programming concepts or data warehouse schema.
Top 5 Major Challenges In Microsoft Power BI Class
Success Through Understanding
This article highlights the top five common challenges that participants in Microsoft Power BI class are likely to encounter. The challenges include hidden dialog boxes, DAX formulas, the varied background of attendees, blocked Power BI desktop installation, and understanding the Power BI concept. The author shares their experience conducting training courses and attending sessions by highly experienced participants to identify these challenges. This brief description gives an overview of what to expect in terms of common challenges when attending a Microsoft Power BI class.
An Analytical Journey with Microsoft Power BI VS DA-100 Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI
Success Through Understanding
This video is about what's the difference between our Custom Developed Learning which is An Analytical Journey with Microsoft Power BI and the official Microsoft Learning course DA-100 Analyzing Data with Microsoft Power BI.
An Analytical Journey with Microsoft Power BI content is created by Gerald Hoong which has the experience of 25 years of information technology experience and community service and event experiences.